White Collar Crime
In today’s economic and legal environment, the criminal defence of business is emerging as an important element of providing comprehensive legal support for the economic and financial aspects of corporate operations.
Companies and their CEOs are often confronted with the need to obtain qualified legal support in cases of offences and wrongdoing taking place within the company – as well as with the need to secure a solid legal defence in cases of the onset of risks associated with the possible prosecution of economic crimes and official misconduct.
The right assessment of the legality of company operations and staff behavior at all stages, from the planning of a new area of activity to company liquidation, makes it possible to avoid the risks of criminal prosecution both in Russia and abroad – particularly in terms of anti-corruption efforts and the fight against money laundering.
Experts of our White Collar Crime practice offer consultations on various aspects of the application of criminal law in the area of combatting economic and white collar crime, help to assess current risks, and assist in formulating internal policies and procedures (Compliance) designed to ensure adherence to the requirements of applicable law, regulatory documents, the rules and standards of oversight agencies, and other in-house guidelines.
Criminal defence attorneys represent the interest of corporate CEOs and staff in their interaction with law-enforcement, tax and other state agencies, and provide for their robust legal defence at all stages of the criminal case.
Expertise in the white collar crime defence for business
- Consulting on various aspects of the criminal law application in the area of economic and business operations, including liability issues associated with tax-evasion charges; customs-duty evasion charges; charges of the legalization of cash or other assets (money laundering); embezzlement; fraud; etc.
- Representation of client interests in the course of the inspection and audit of financial, economic, entrepreneurial and commercial activities.
- Anti-corruption audit and formulation of internal policies and procedures designed to ensure adherence to the requirements of applicable law (Compliance).
- Legal support and defence for corporate CEOs and staff throughout the course of criminal case proceedings, including at the preliminary-investigation stage.
- Representation of client interests and their defence at the time of the court consideration of criminal cases.
- Representation of victims’ interests.
- Filing of civil lawsuits during the course of criminal cases and representation of client interests.