Advocates of Iusland Law Office Anastasia Cheremchuk and Inna Gorodinskaya obtained an acquittal on one episode and a suspended sentence of imprisonment for the defendant in the case under part 3 and part 4 of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Rus
Thanks to the effective work of the advocate of Iusland Law Office Aleksandr Mamyshev, the criminal case under subsection “в” of Part 5 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code was returned to the prosecutor to resume the preliminary investigation
Advocates of Iusland Law Offices made reports at the conference for lawyers “IN PETER - LAW”
Aleksandr Mamyshev and Semen Sahakyan, advocates of Iusland Law Offices took a participation at the third annual conference “White Collar Crime 2019”, organized by the newspaper “Delovoy Peterburg”
Ekaterina Dmitrikova, the council of Iusland Law Offices, participated in the conference of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “The reform of public administration: a new quality of state control”
Iusland Law Offices have been again recognized by the leading international ranking IFLR1000-2020
Ekaterina Dmitrikova, counsel of Iusland Law Offices, participated in the International Forum on Legal Services in the SCO space in Shanghai
Thanks to the effective use of the ECHR mechanisms and the work of the advocate of Iusland Law Offices Olga Tseytlina, it was possible to prevent the extradition of the Russian citizen from Italy to Kyrgyzstan
Maxim Semenyako, Semyon Sahakyan and Alexander Mamyshev, advocates of Iusland Law Offices, took part in the international conference “Fashion Law: Legal Aspects of the Fashion Industry” in Milan
Counsel of Iusland Law Offices Ekaterina Dmitrikova made a presentation at the international conference “Five Years of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union: the role of the Court” in Minsk