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On May 27, 2015 in St. Petersburg, with the support of Iusland Law Offices the meeting of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation and Japan Federation of Bar Associations took place


During the meeting, the Japanese colleagues suggested various ways of cooperation between lawyers of Japan and Russia, including the experience sharing with foreign colleagues such as training, internships, seminars and roundtables.

For his part, Maxim Semenyako, Partner of Iusland Law Offices and Senior Lecturer at the High School of Economyy suggested assisting in implementation of joint Japanese-Russian programs in St. Petersburg.

The Russian side was represented by Yuri Pilipenko, President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, Pavel Maguta, Director of the International Division of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, Vasiliy Rudomino, Senior Partner at ALRUD, Vasiliy Rudin, Counsel at the Federal Chamber of Lawyers and Irina Gritsanova, Assistant of the International Division of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers.