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+7 (812) 425-3555

“Foreign Trade Contract: What Should Be Considered When Drafting It” - a joint webinar of Bank Saint Petersburg will be held with the participation of the Iusland Law Office.


At the joint webinar, Elena Legashova, Iusland Law Office’s Managing Partner, will talk about what provisions your foreign trade contract should contain in order for it to comply with the law and protect you from unreasonable and basic business risks. We will go through all the stages from the moment a commercial goal appears to the conclusion of a foreign economic transaction.

Marina Degtyarenko, Head of the Currency Control Department of Bank Saint Petersburg, will talk about the main requirements of currency legislation to the contract: the main points and their content, which must be taken into account when drawing up the contract so that this does not lead to a violation in the future.

The event will take place on May 24, 2021.

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